Behind the sceneThe testing area
MIXO seriesModular solutions
for Energy Storage Systems -
T-TYPE and JEI®-P seriesNew, ergonomic and
space saving locking system -
Insulating MIXO holderThe organizer
For 1-slot sized MIXO modules -
GIVE YOUR TOOLS A BREAKYou won't need them anymore.
MIXO TWO ENCLOSURESAngled housings for compact installation
New 21.21 enclosuresWidening the compacts
GIVE YOUR TOOLS A BREAKYou won't need them anymore.
“How To”: video tutorialsPractical guidance for
easy assembly and crimping -
IL-BRID locking systemHybrid design now also
with single-lever -
SQUICH®, the connector for everyone.We like being ORIGINAL.
What makes us ILME.
complex configurations SIMPLE. -
MIXO 300 A MODULESClick and fit
for high current applications -
THE CHOICE IS YOURS.Locking levers for every installation.
MKA..VA25 metallic hoodAngled and higher M25 solution compact size “21.21”
D-SUB seriesCompact and easy-to-use solution
for data-signal connection
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